
Assumptions, prejudices, simply the way you see the world. When you assume, becoming rich means everlasting happiness. And after further examination you find out that you have no way of judging that because you have not reached the position of richness to know. Then you realize, that is an assumption within itself. And what is the point in thinking about it anyways? You shall get rich and find out for yourself… But, shall you get rich? You assume that you have the ability, that you will make it happen. But in this big pile of transferring assumptions we find out the assumption, that happiness comes from within yourself and not from external things. And we assume what happiness is. We always assume, but never know the truth, no one ever has known the truth ever. 

What are assumptions anyways? Well strings of symbols put together with rules, creating a sentence. You have a sentence on one side, brain on the other. Put those together, and you create assumptions. The imaginary force, which allows you to see the future, and all the other quadrillions of brain functions that you possess, create it. But that is also an assumption is essence. So can it be either assumption form the biological point of view.? Or  from the philosophical, where you try to assume the least minimum before you come to the point where removing more assumptions makes you incapable of work. It is a sort of an equivalent of Moore’s law, i guess it could be said.

But it really doesn’t matter what viewpoint you choose. Even if you choose the viewpoint of not wanting to bother with this, and close this article down, that is alright. Because, we assume everything in life, and for the most part it works out quite fine, proven by that you are alive, and still can make those assumptions. We can right now together assume that there are these assumptions, and that there exist bad assumptions, and good assumptions. Or more precisely, useful ones and detrimental ones. Because who wants to get into the whole shebang with good and evil?? 

So, these useful and detrimental assumptions shape out the way you live your assuming life. For instance, you assume, that it is alright for you to eat sweets every day. Which can cause you health problems in the long term. Or you assume that exercise is good. Which can be positive for you. But, all these might not have any effect, we only assume based on other assumptions that it will work. And for most of the time it does, we couldn’t live our lives if we thought all the time about assumptions, or if we  choose to ignore the future. For all its worth, you can´t even assume that you shall be alive and the world will not get sucked up by some black hole or something like that in the next few minutes. That is the inefficiency of the human language, and maybe it is good that it is this way. What fun would there be in life, knowing everything? 

So, through all this talk, and through the best convictions that you possess, that you can’t really prove something. When somebody would ask you to jump out of an open window, you wouldn’t hurry to prove your assumption. And because we can categorize these assumptions even more. We can give them percentages. For instance, if you jump out of the window from the 10th floor, there is a 99 percent chance that you will die, and a very insignificant small chance that you shall quantum tunnel through all the particles between you and the other side of the planet, and appear in the middle of pacific. But there is probably a better chance that you meet yourself on the sidewalk I think than that.  Assumptions work on certain probabilities, some are quite certain, and some, like assuming that there is a god, are quite uncertain. And you can see the trend that with increasing abstraction of the concept, the uncertainty of the assumption rises. So it could be show on this graph: 

So, if you take this scale, and put on it some abstract concept, like religion, then it shall be quite far to the right. And something like throwing a stone into a pond, shall be on the left side. And the more you are to the right, the more you have to think about the concept, and the lesser is your chance that you shall come up with any solution at all. And the more you are to the left, the more likely you are to accomplish that which you set out to do. So if you aren´t crazy, and do not like to torture yourself with abstract thinking about pretty much useless stuff, and want to actually accomplish something in your life you should stick to the left. 

But with this being said, you should make your own judgments about this whole thing that you have just read, beast on how far to the right it actually is. 

Another thing is, if we shall continue in our torturous endeavor, most of those assumptions that you get are based on luck, if you meet them in your experience, if you read the article, the book, where it is written. 

There are assumptions which are more likely to get to you, and assumptions less likely. The former is, for example, the idea of richness, and the latter is epistemology. Again based on your preferences and paths of your life, you can know each bone in the human body, and thus have a completely different perspective on the universe than the gardener next door. Thus happiness is quite an individual process, and each of us is on a different path, comparison and envy are thus ignorance and useless endeavor. Everyone is on a different path. Everyone feels human feelings, everyone is human and suffers, no matter how rich, famous, or smart or dumb. There are certain constants to human condition, constants with which you will have to deal, no matter your position, or place, they will appear and disappear and reappear again after a while. And you assume something about them. 

And as being previously said, this whole thing, and any thing that you read is an assumption and is catered specifically to you, based on your previous experiences and assumptions. Thus you cannot ever read the same book, is a nice assumption to have, if you believe it or not. 

Okay so what really is the concrete action that you can take in order to get rid of the detrimental things, in order to live your life to the fullest potential. 

Certainly, it is not to take any one of those things seriously, always to question things and their validity, being calm, taking your time, not rushing towards fast conclusions. There is really nowhere to rush to. And, if you want to achieve concrete results, there is no need to think about them in any abstract terms. So if you really decide that starting a business is something you want to do, there are quite reasonable steps you can undertake to achieve this. Or if you want to build a house, or find a girlfriend, these things are quite established, and there are ways of achieving them. Quite simple ways compared to problems of consciousness. And why make things complicated? Why for instance assume that your fear of people or some nasty assumption like that, should stop you from doing anything, there were great shy people, and it did not stop them. That is for instance one helpful assumption which you can use in order to mitigate the faults established in you, in your time of ignorance, before you have matured, in your childtimes… And so, each person’s outlook on world, is determined by his assumptions and mind, and each of his achievements, are determined (also by his mind), but most importantly by his actions, which have no need for abstractions, because that which you can achieve in reality truly, cannot be abstract in a sense, than it couldn’t be achieved. It would be a religion instead of throwing stones. And what all people agree upon is, more real, than that upon which they disagree, and this is only in terms of established abstract things, like throwing a stone, certainly not political ones…. 

The biggest determining factor for you to lead a good life is your mindset, your philosophy, the way you deal with the abstraction.

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