Way to get out of a bad feeling.

1. realize that you are not thinking straight 

2. focus on becoming self aware, on your thoughts, on your breath

3. Realize that everything you see in the manner that you see it can be changed in your mind. The way you see it now, is probably an effect of some information or instance that you have just been thinking about, or encountered. Or, you have fallen to the “base level” that you currently hold for the understanding of the world. (the base level is the most ingrained worldview that you possess about the world, mostly likely developed in childhood). 

To gain more time or more freedom in that instance of foul thoughts shall not necessarily make anything better, because time is not the problem, if you are truly committed to an art, you can figure out your way around any bad circumstance in order to execute this activity that you so cherish in your heart. 

Every one of these situations and states of mind, is caused by the circumstance that you have encountered, be it waking up early, or somebody angering you. If you only can remember that every one of these situations is within the power of you to change it, by the mere realization of this very thing, it can be done so. 

Feeling good is not an uncontrollable factor, and it is a different thing than what your attitude is. You can choose your attitude and see the light in the most grim of circumstances whilst feeling quite bad. Feeling is less controllable, more circumstantial, but your attitude, your choice, even if bad thoughts appear, you can simply question them and see their foulness. Don’t try to change the feeling, change the way you look at your situation

Everything is only that which you choose to perceive it to be. It is nonexistent otherwise. In other minds the situation looks completely different. That being said, it is your choice, based only on your ability to be self-aware to decide how you shall judge this circumstance which you find yourself in. And you can write down all kinds of strategies and yet when the time of forgetfulness comes, every one of them suddenly becomes grim and useless. 

This is a way with which you can fight against forgetfulness, only by getting into this state of self-awareness, you can remember and realize the true feeling which is aligned with any concept that you choose to want to see. Any idea or a thing that you would normally enjoy, can seem grim in the times when everything seems so. But that only becomes clear, after you have overstepped the step of this depressing pressing feeling, which just hangs over you and prevents you from seeing any hope at all. 

Suddenly all possibilities of life appear clear as day before you as if sent from heavens. 

You are bound to have these bad experiences, but by remembering this you can always pull yourself out of the river of life that has swayed you away, and  this strategy can act as a log carrying you along the stream, acting as a support for you not to drown. 

Examples of how you might shift your current outlook:

  • What am I truly trying to escape here?
  • What is so bad about the situation that I find myself in? 
  • What would I truly achieve by leaving right now? 
  • Would I be able to do anything more productive, if I was at home in this state of mind? 
  • Why don’t I calm down, and think about things right here

Alter those questions, and ask similar ones based on your current situation, and hopefully they shall help you at least a little bit. 

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